Tumaini Orphan Support Organisation; a Non-Governmental Organization (NGO) registered under NGO act number 24 of 2002 as amended time to time. The Organisation is currently operating within KAGERA, GEITA and KIGOMA Regions.

The organisation is working to bring support and hope for a better future to orphans and their families regardless of their faith.

Tumaini Orphan Support Organisation was established by Dr. Susan Wilson who is the chairperson of Tumaini Fund.


We envision the orphans of Tanzania to be empowered socio-economically.


To support and serve all orphans regardless of their faith.


  • To promote the well-being of orphans and their heads of family.
  • To promote access to education for the orphans.
  • To promote better housing for orphan families.
  • To promote adequate nutrition for orphan families.
  • To promote access to clean water for the orphans and their communities.
  • To empower orphans to acquire enterpreneurship skills.
  • To advocate basic health care to the orphan families.
  • To advocate for the innovative approaches for the development of the orphan families.


We are motivated by Jesus’s words: “Religion that God our Father accepts as pure and faultless is this: to look after orphans and widows in their distress and to keep oneself from being polluted by the world“ (James 1:27)

Replies From our support

Success in education

"Your care, love, kind support and good heart made me here. I didn't expect to reach here but finally made it. I completed my Diploma studies on 2020 under great support from Tumaini."

Clean water

"Wonderful support! now we have clean water, we are free from disease and bacteria. Great thanks to the efforts and generosity of Tumaini Fund USA."
GOD bless you.

Better Housing

"We lived in very unsafe homes made of mud, branches and the roofs of grass that cannot withstand the heavy rains. Now we have beautiful house funded by Tumaini Fund USA."